
Ownership of inventions and patents

This lecture covers two matters relating to patents as items of property: first of all ownership of patents and secondly dealings with patents – how patents are transferred and the rules governing licensing.


Property Offences Q&A

This lecture presentation considers a number of problem questions involving liability for property offences.


Criminal damage

This lecture presentation considers the offences of simple damage and aggravated damage contrary to s1(1) and s1(2) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971


Defences – webinar 2021

In this live webinar recording conducted in April 2021 criminal law defences are compared and contrasted.


Compensation for employee inventors

This lecture considers situations where an employee might be compensated for the use of an invention, under PA 77 ss 40 to 43.


Patent infringement and defences

When is a patent infringed, and what defences are available to a potential infringer? In this lecture we consider section 60 of the Patents Act 1977 and look briefly at how the courts interpret patent claims.



The rules that govern what can be patented are key to the protection of inventions. This lecture reviews the four criteria for patent protection, laying the groundwork for a more detailed study of the subject and leading into other aspects of patent law.


Introduction to patents

Patents seem to be the least accessible and most complex area of intellectual property law. This lecture brings a sense of proportion to the patents field, and provides an essential starting point for students of this fascinating area of law.


Human rights webinar

In this lecture presentation recorded as part of a live webinar Denis Edwards considers an examination question concerning the protection of human rights within EU Law.


Supremacy and effectiveness

In this lecture presentation recorded as a live webinar Denis Edwards explains how the principle of supremacy (or primacy) of EU law and the principle of effectiveness operate so as to achieve effective judicial protection for natural and legal persons throughout the EU.


Occupiers Liability Q&A 2

This lecture demonstrates how to apply the law concerning occupiers liability to a problem question


Misrepresentation – webinar

Anne sees an advertisement “Booming dog grooming business. Pedigree service. Current owner retiring. Call Katie for details’” Anne calls round to see Katie. Anne is very impressed by the pictures of the winner of this year’s Wufts, who Anne assumes is a customer of the salon. She tells Katie that she believes that with such […]


Failure of proof ‘defences’

This lecture presentation explains how to apply the failure of proof defences to problems raising questions of liability for the non fatal offences.


Acquisition & priority of third party rights Q&A

Generally, a right which does not amount to an interest in land can only be enforced between the original parties. An interest in land, however, is capable of binding a purchaser, subject to the appropriate rules of priority. In this lecture, by reference to the question below, Gianni Vuolo demonstrates how to approach and construct answers […]


Moral rights

A run-through of the four moral rights protected under UK copyright law. In addition to the paternity right and integrity right, required by the Berne Convention, this lecture explains the right against false attribution of authorship and the right to privacy in certain photographs and films. The statutory provisions and the case law are described […]



How English law has gone from rejecting actions for breach of privacy to recognising an important new right, based on the law on breach of confidence and the HRA 1998.


Adverse possession Q&A

This recording explains and demonstrates how to construct an answer to a problem question on adverse possession in the law of property.


Proprietary estoppel

This lecture explains the equitable doctrine of proprietary estoppel under which a promise which has been relied on may be enforced.


Mistake Q&A 2

This recording explains how to structure an answer to a problem question on mistake in contract.


Mistake Q&A

This recording explains how to structure an answer to a problem question on mistake in contract.


Passing off

An introduction to the important area of passing-off law, which remains a crucial form of protection for goodwill alongside registered trade mark protection.


Frustration of contracts

This lecture deals with when a contract may be treated as discharged by frustration – where change in circumstances since contract was made justifies parties being released from further obligations.


Common law torts relating to land.

This lecture covers the common law torts relating to land: trespass, private nuisance, the rule in Rylands v Fletcher and public nuisance


Liability of third parties

This lecture examines the basis of liability and circumstances when a stranger to a trust may become liable to account for his wrongdoing.


Charitable Trusts

This lecture provides a comprehensive analysis of the law relating to charitable trusts.


Public bodies

This recording looks at how the rules on duty in negligence apply to public bodies



This recording deals with the law of mortgages


Freehold covenants

This lecture deals with covenants (promises by deed) made by the owner of estate in one piece of land to owner of estate in another.


Regulation of terms

This lecture looks at the regulation of terms that are regarded as unfair or unreasonable in their substance with primary focus on exemption (exclusion and limitation) clauses.



This recorded lecture presentation explains the requirements for an action in misrepresentation and the remedies available.



This lecture pesentation deals with the circumstances in which a mistake of one or both parties can affect the validity of a contract.


Negligence – economic loss

This recording deals with the circumstances in which a claimant can recover for economic loss suffered as a result of a defendant’s conduct.


Implied terms

In this recorded lecture presentation contractual terms implied by statute, trade custom, and at common law are considered.


Liability for omissions

This recording covers the rules on omissions to act including where the omission is to prevent an act of a 3rd party.


Causation and remoteness

This recording explains the rules on both causation of damage and when loss will be considered as too ‘remote’.


Breach of duty

This lecture explains the principles governing breach of duty in negligence.


Negligence – psychiatric harm

This recording covers where the initial effect of a defendant’s conduct is a psychological shock leading to further harm.


Acquisition of easements

This recording deals with whether a valid enforceable easement was correctly acquired.


Characteristics of easements

FREE RECORDING: This recording deals with the characteristics a right must have to be capable of being held as an easement.


Trusts of the family home

This lecture explains the development of the law concerning trusts of the family home.


Constructive trusts

This lecture focuses on the theoretical justification for constructive trusts and explores when they may be declared by the courts


Express terms

This recording presentation deals with the incorporation of express terms of the contract.


Duress and undue influence

This recording covers the common law defence of duress and the equitable defence of undue influence.


Sovereignty of Parliament

In this recorded lecture presentation the key implications of the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty are explored.


Secret trusts

This recorded lecture presentation provides a thorough analysis of the law relating to secret and half-secret trusts.


Private purpose trusts

In this recorded lecture presentation Mohamed Ramjohn considers the law relating to private purpose trusts.


Tracing Q&A

This lecture (recorded live) considers the law of tracing and applies it to an examination problem question.


Defamation Q&A

This recorded lecture presentation considers the law relating to defamation and shows you how to answer a problem question on the topic.


Criminal Law MCQs

Test yourself with these THREE sets of MCQs each consisting of 15 questions covering elements of Criminal Law.


Creation of express trusts

In this lecture presentation the creation of express trusts is considered with the focus on declarations of trust.


Co-ownership of property

This series of lecture presentations covers the law relating to express and implied co-ownership of land, including the special rules applicable to co-ownership of a family home.


Privity of contract

In this lecture the doctrine of privity is explained and the common law and statutory changes challenges to it are evaluated.


Promissory estoppel

In this lecture the equitable doctrine of promissory estoppel is explained and analysed.



In this lecture the contractual requirement of consideration is explained and analysed.


Unincorporated associations

In this lecture the issues of gifts made to unincorporated associations and their winding up are considered.


Resulting trusts

In this lecture the law concerning resulting trusts and their theoretical basis is considered in detail.


Offer and acceptance

This detailed lecture presentation explains and discusses, in depth, offer and acceptance in the Law of Contract.


Homicide: Loss of control

In this lecture the partial defence to murder of loss of control in s54 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 is considered in detail.


Free movement of persons webinar

In this recording of a live webinar an examination question relating to free movement of persons and citizenship is analysed.


Constitution of a trust Q&A

This lecture (recorded live) explains how to answer an examination question on Constitution of a Trust.


Remedies in Contract

This lecture presentation is split into two parts. The first part considers the nature of damages; the second addresses issues of causation, remoteness and mitigation.


Exemption Clauses Q&A

Analyses a problem question about exemption clauses in contract and provides a logical structure to answering questions on the topic.


Frustration Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on frustration in contract.


Homicide quiz 1

12 multiple choice questions about homicide. Test your knowledge…



In this audio presentation liability for attempt contrary to s1(1) of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 is examined.


Fraud Act 2006

In this series of five lectures the offences of fraud and obtaining services dishonestly are considered.



In this series of lessons each of the five elements of theft are considered in detail.


Introduction to Criminal Law

This audio presentation covers a number of important introductory issues necessary for a good understanding of Criminal Law.


Negligence – psychiatric harm Q&A

This presentation shows you how to answer a question on liability in negligence based on causing nervous shock (otherwise referred to as psychiatric harm).


Misrepresentation Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on misrepresentation. Issues include: terms, representations and ‘mere puffs’; fraudulent, negligent and innocent misrepresentations; s2(1) Misrepresentation Act 1967; remedies; bars to rescission.


Self-defence and prevention of crime

This set of audio presentations consists of six separate ‘lessons’ covering the law relating to self-defence and prevention of crime.


Consideration Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on consideration in contract. Issues covered include: past consideration; Williams v Roffey; economic duress; promissory estoppel.


Creation and priority of interests Q&A

This lecture presentation demonstrates how to answer a question dealing with the acquisition of 3rd party rights in land and whether they have priority when the land is subsequently purchased.
