
London Law Lectures recordings and resources are produced by subject specialist lecturers with many years experience as LLB and GDL examiners.

Norman Baird – Criminal Law, Jurisprudence and LSM

  • Experienced LLB and GDL lecturer and examiner (Criminal Law and Jurisprudence)
  • Academic Director and lecturer in Jurisprudence and Criminal Law for the Russian State University of Justice LLB programme recognised by the University of London [2012 – 2018]
  • As former consultant to the University of London:
    • assisted with the development of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) designing and producing online content:
    • recorded and produced audio presentations in Criminal Law and managed the production of audio presentations by University of London lecturers in the core LLB modules
    • designed and produced online formative MCQ assessments in Criminal Law
    • authored articles for the Criminal Law module newsletter.
    • devised and produced online research exercises in Legal System and Method
  • Author of Q&A Criminal Law published by Routledge (2015) – 10th edition.
  • Course director of the QED Law academic support programme

Claire de Than – Equity & Trusts and Jurisprudence

  • Experienced LLB and GDL examiner
  • Award winning senior legal academic of more than 25 years’ standing, and a Jersey Law Commissioner, currently working on a Criminal Code and on laws relating to open justice.
  • She has over 85 legal publications in total, including 15 books, chapters in leading legal monographs and edited collections, such as Reed and Bohlander, Substantive Issues in Criminal Law, and articles in a variety of leading national and international journals, including the Modern Law Review and the Criminal Law Review.
  • Her publications and reform proposals have been adopted by governments, regulators and professions.
  • Her research fields include equity and trusts, media law, criminal law, capacity and consent, comparative law of tiny jurisdictions, human rights law and disability law, all of which she also teaches.
  • She has been an expert for the Law Commission of England and Wales on two recent projects, and made many media appearances.
  • She has advised several governments and many organisations on trusts law, criminal law, human rights and law reform issues.
  • She is the Chair or Vice Chair of several charities.

Gianni Vuolo – Contract, Tort and Property Law

  • Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London.
  • Experienced LLB and GDL examiner: Property Law, Criminal Law, Law of Tort and Law of Contract
  • Visiting Senior Fellow designed and delivered  the Property Law distance learning module to University of London LLB programme at the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow.
  • Barrister-at-law (non-practising).

Tracey Aquino – Law of Tort

  • Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University.
  • Visiting Lecturer at BPP.
  • Experienced LLB and GDL examiner.
  • Barrister-at-law (non-practising).
  • Visiting Senior Fellow designed and delivered  the Law of Tort and LSM distance learning module to students studying the University of London LLB programme at the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow.
  • Visiting lecturer at Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU Space): teaching Law of Tort and LSM to University of London International Programmes LLB students
  • University of London Undergraduate LLB regional revision seminars in Trinidad and Malaysia: Law of Tort
  • Recorded audio presentations on the Law of Tort for the University of London.

Mohammed Ramjohn – Law of Trusts

  • Associate Professor of Law at Ealing Law School, University of West London
  • Experienced LLB and GDL examiner: Equity and Trusts.
  • Visiting Senior Fellow designed and delivered  the Law of Trusts distance learning module to students on the University of London LLB programme at the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow.
  • Author of several student textbooks and articles on Equity, Evidence and Revenue Law including Unlocking Trusts; Q&A Equity and Trusts.
  • Authored regular newsletters and recorded audio presentations on the Law of Trusts for the University of London.
  • Barrister-at-law (non-practising).

Anne Street – Law of Contract

  • Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS, University of London.
  • Visiting Lecturer at the University of Law.
  • Experienced LLB and GDL examiner: Law of Contract, Equity and Trusts, Property Law
  • University of London Undergraduate Laws Programmes revision seminars in London and the regional revision seminars in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Ghana
  • Joint author (with Iain MacDonald) ‘Equity & Trusts Concentrate Law Revision and Study Guide’ published by Oxford University Press (5th edition, 2016)
  • Authored regular newsletters on Property Law for the University of London.

Denis Edwards – EU Law and Public Law

  • Practices as an Advocate in Scotland and a Barrister of the Middle Temple, which awarded him a Harmsworth scholarship. He has appeared in several leading cases on public law and EU law, including 3 decided by the UK Supreme Court
  • Experienced lecturer and examiner of LLB subjects including Public Law and EU law.
  • Currently teaching at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Graduated with an LLB (Hons) and Diploma in Legal Practice from Glasgow University and an LLM from Osgoode Hall Law School, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar.
  • As visiting Senior Fellow designed and delivered  the EU Law distance learning module to students on the University of London LLB programme at the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow.
  • Previously held academic posts at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, the Universities of Giessen and Frankfurt in Germany, the City University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary, University of London and as a visiting professor of law at SMU, Tulane Law School and DePaul University in the USA.

Peter Groves – Intellectual Property

  • Solicitor practising intellectual property law with CJ Jones Solicitors LLP in London.
  • As visiting Senior Fellow designed and delivered  the Intellectual Property Law distance learning module to students on the University of London LLB programme at the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow.
  • Recorded audio presentations on Intellectual Property Law for the University of London LLB programme.
  • Graduate of Warwick University (LLB) and City of London Polytechnic (MA, PhD).
  • Former taught intellectual property law at Nottingham Law School.
  • The author of several books, most recently A Dictionary of Intellectual Property Law (Edward Elgar, 2011), and many articles, he has lectured at the Oxford Institute of Legal Practice, Essex University, and London Guildhall University.
  • He maintains an IP blog at www.ipsojure.co.uk.