UOL LLB: Examiners’ fees 2021 – 2022


In response to an FOI request the University of London has provided information about the fees paid to LLB  examiners including external examiners in 2021 – 2022 the University writes:


1. Script marking – per script (i) for first marker and (ii) for second marker £15.94 – see 1.1.2

2. Dissertation Proposal £38.16 see 2.5.2 

3. Dissertation (i) For first marker and (ii) second marker £106.98 and £26.90 – see 2.5.3 

4. LLB Marking Guidelines £114.09 see 2.5.4

5. LLB Formative Assessment £22.74 see 2.5.5

External examiners’ fees

6. Flat fee £279.23 see 1.2.1 

7. For each individual examination question paper/assessment task vetted £22.18 see 1.2.1 

8. For each script/ assessments for which they are responsible for reviewing  £0.58 see 1.2.1

[Paragraph references are to the pdf document linked below.]

Document: The complete information about fees paid by the University to examiners is available at: